The 10th jcsda workshop on satellite data assimilation
october 10-12, 2012 - College park, md
Participants at JCSDA 10th Annual Science Workshop
October 10 - 12, 2012, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, Maryland 20740
More than 130 scientists from the JCSDA and its academic and private sector partners, including principal investigators, program managers and JCSDA management/staff, participated in the 10th Annual JCSDA Workshop on Satellite Data Assimilation, at NOAA's new Center for Weather and Climate Prediction on the research campus of the University of Maryland in College Park, October 10 - 12, 2012. The plenary sessions were held in the building's magnificent new auditorium with its state-of-the-art audio-visual and connectivity infrastructure.
The purpose of these annual workshops is to review the ongoing and planned scientific development sponsored by the Center, and to plan and coordinate future efforts. The Joint Center supports scientific development work with proposal-based, internally directed funds as well as with external grants awarded via a competitive process open to the broader scientific community. In addition, JCSDA individual partners undertake their own research contributing to the Center's objectives.
Dr. Louis Uccellini, Director, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction, welcomed the participants on behalf of the Center's Management Oversight Board. In the first session of the workshop, JCSDA Director Riishojgaard presented an overall program update and overview, in which he highlighted the Center's recent accomplishments, current activities, and future plans. A significant achievement during the past year was the operational implementation of the assimilation system for the Advanced Technology Microwave Sensor on the Suomi National Polar Partnership (NPP) satellite only seven months after its launch. Dr. Riishojgaard also highlighted the increasing use by JCSDA investigators of the Center's computers at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Wisconsin.
Focusing on topics related to the Center's scientific priority areas, the plenary session subjects covered: Radiative Transfer Modeling and Validation, Assimilation of Data from Advanced Sensors, Cloud and Precipitation Data Assimilation, Land Data Assimilation, Ocean Data Assimilation, Regional Data Assimilation, OSSEs and OSEs, and Atmospheric Composition. The workshop included 32 oral presentations and 22 poster papers. In the final plenary, breakout group chairs summarized issues and recommendations for their scientific areas to Joint Center management.
workshop agenda & presentations:
Day One - Wednesday, October 10, 2012
08:00 - 09:00 - Registration
09:00 - 09:30 - Welcoming words from the JCSDA Management Oversight Board (MOB) members B. Atlas, L. Uccellini, A. Powell, S. Chang, W. Curry, D. Edwards, P. Hildebrand
09:30 - 10:10 - Session 1 - Radiative Transfer Modeling and Validation, Co-chairs: J.-L. Moncet - AER and P. VanDelst - IMSG/NCEP
CRTM development for 2011-2012 - 20', P. VanDelst - NCEP/IMSG
Optimizing Multiple Scattering Calculations in the CRTM - 20', T. Greenwald - University of Wisconsin
10:10 - 10:30 - Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:10 - Session 1 - Radiative Transfer Modeling and Validation, Co-chairs: J.-L. Moncet - AER and P. VanDelst - IMSG/NCEP
Performance of the line-by-line radiative transfer model LBLRTM for satellite retrievals of temperature and water vapor: evaluation of spectroscopy updates with IASI case studies - 20', E. Mlawer - AER
Updated microwave land emissivity calculation in the CRTM - 20', W. Zheng - NCEP
11:10 - 11:40 - Session 2 - Overview of JCSDA Activities and Plans
JCSDA Activities Overview - 30', L.-P. Riishojgaard - JCSDA
11:40 - 13:00 - Lunch Break
13:00 - 14:00 - Session 3 - Cloud and Precipitation Data Assimilation, Co-chairs: T. Greenwald - UW/CIMMS and Min-Jeong Kim - CSU/CIRA
Progress Report on Cloudy Radiance Data Assimilation in NCEP NWP Models - 20', M.-J. Kim - CSU/NCEP
Assimilating Cloud-Affected Infrared Radiances in the GSI - 20', W. McCarty - NASA
Evaluation of the Impact of AIRS Radiance and Profile Data Assimilation in Partly Cloudy Regions - 20', B. Zavodsky - NASA/MSFC
14:00 - 15:20 - Session 4 - Ocean Data Assimilation, Co-chairs: Jim Cummings - Navy/NRL and H. Tolman - NCEP
Ocean data assimilation of remotely sensed observation in the GEOS-5 coupled system - 20', G. Vernieres - NASA/GSFC
Analysis for Skin SST using the GEOS model and GSI: preliminary results - 20', S. Akella - NASA/GSFC
Using satellite ocean color data in NCEP's operational ocean and coupled models - 20', E. Bayler and S. Nadiga - NOAA/NCEP
Account of Ocean group progress - 20', H. Tolman - NOAA/NCEP
15:20 - 15:40 - Coffee Break
15:40 - 17:00 - Session 5 - Regional Data Assimilation, Co-chairs: Jun Li - CIMMS/UW and M. Zupanski - CIRA/CSU
Assimilating GOES-R water vapor and JPSS sounding data for improving tropical cyclone forecasts with WRF/GSI - 20', J. Li - CIMMS/UW
Utility of GOES-R instruments for hurricane data assimilation - 20', M. Zupanski - CIRA/CSU
A cloud-scale lightning data assimilation technique and the explicit forecast of lightning with full charging/discharge physics within the WRF-ARW model - 20', A. Fierro - NSSL/NOAA
Assimilation of AIRS radiance data within the Rapid Refresh - 20', H. Lin - ESRL/OAR
Day Two - Thursday, October 11, 2012
09:00 - 10:20 - Session 6 - Assimilation of Advanced Sensors, Co-chairs: W. McCarty - NASA and A. Collard - NCEP/IMSG
GPS RO support to the JCSDA: status report - 20', L. Cucurull - NCAR/NCEP
Towards assimilation of GOES Hourly Winds in the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) - 20', X. Su - NCEP/IMSG
Quality control of MODIS and AVHRR polar winds in the GDAS/GFS: Status and plans - 20', D. Santek - CIMMS
Advances in the assimilation of satellite observations at the Met Office - 20', P. Weston -UKMO
10:20 - 10:40 - Coffee Break
10:40 - 12:00 - Session 7 - OSSE and OSEs, Co-chairs: J. Jung - CIMMS/NESDIS and R. Errico - NASA
Estimate of analysis error characteristics using an OSSE - 20', R. M. Errico - NASA
Early-Morning-Orbit Observing System Satellite Experiments at the JCSDA, S. Casey - CICS/NESDIS
Synthetic Radiance Simulation and Evaluation for a Joint OSSE - 20', T. Zhu - CSU/NESDIS
Observing System Impacts using the NCEP GDAS/GFS - 20', J. Jung - CIMSS/NESDIS
12:00 - 13:20 - Lunch Break
13:20 - 14:40 - Session 8 - Land Data Assimilation, Co-chairs: Christa Peters-Lidard - NASA/GSFC and John Eylander - U.S. Army/ERD
The Impact of Soil Moisture and Snow Assimilation on Noah LSM Evaporation and Streamflow - 20', C. Peters-Lidard - NASA/GSFC
Soil moisture and temperature assimilation into the GEOS-5 land surface model - 20', C. S. Draper - NASA
Demonstrating satellite soil moisture impact on GFS forecasts - 20', X. Zhan and W. Zheng - NESDIS & NCEP
Transitioning land surface skin temperature and snow improvements to operation at NCEP/EMC - 20', X. Zeng - University of Arizona
14:40 - 15:00 - Coffee Break
15:00 - 17:00 - Session 9 - Poster Session
P1. CIMSS Science Support for the NESDIS S4 Supercomputer, J. Otkin - CIMSS/UW
P2. A JCSDA BUFR and GRIB Tailoring Tool for Community Use (CMFT), Y. Song and W. Chen - NESDIS/RTI
P3. Booth: Overview of JCSDA Infrastructure available for JCSDA scientists, S Nollin & G. Rumney - UW and GSFC
P4. Development of ATMS Land Surface Snow Emissivity for Use in CRTM, M. Chen - NESDIS/IMSG
P5. Enhance the capabilities of CRTM for simulations under all-sky conditions, P. Yang - Texas A&M
P6. Validation of Shortwave Infrared Sea Surface Reflection and Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Effects in Community Radiative Transfer Model Using IASI Data, Y. Chen - NESDIS/STAR
P7. Assimilation of the Microwave Limb Sounder Radiances, K. Wargan - NASA/GSFC
P8. Atmospheric Motion Vector Experiments in GMAO GEOS-5 system, D. Merkova - NASA/GSFC
P8. Intro. Atmospheric Motion Vector Experiments in GMAO GEOS-5 system, D. Merkova - NASA/GSFC
P9. Preliminary Comparison of AAPP and Backus Gilbert remapped ATMS Bias using Community Radiative Transfer Model, L. Bi - NESDIS/ERT
P10. Assimilation of satellite data in improving hurricane forecasting: Lessons learned from recent field programs, Z. Pu - Univ. of Utah
P11. Accounting for correlated observation error in the assimilation of high resolution sounders, P. Weston - UKMO
P12. Investigating the effects of GOES-R measurements and advanced infrared sounding for hurricane core region data assimilation using a hybrid data assimilation system, Man Zhang - CIRA/CSU
P13. Assimilation and bias correction of SSMIS radiance in the GEOS-5 DAS, M. Sienkiewicz - NASA/GSFC
P14. Assimilating Aura/MLS temperature and moisture in the middle atmosphere using GEOS-5, J. Jin - NASA/GSFC
P15. The Observation System Simulation Experiment setup at Environment Canada, Y. Rochon - EC
P16. Establishing GSI and its radiance assimilation capability in AFWAS, Rugg and J. Martinelli - AFWA
P17. Assessments of FY-3A Microwave Humidity Sounder (MWHS) Measurements Using NOAA-18 Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS), Li Guan - NUIST/FSU
P18. Assessments of Chinese FengYun Microwave Temperature Sounder (MWTS) Measurements for Weather and Climate Applications, Xiang Wang
P19. Development of an OSS version of the CRTM (CRTM-OSS), J.-L. Moncet - AER
P20. Specification of the Altimetry Data Error for Ocean Data Assimilation, B. Kaplan - Columbia University
P21. An air-sea partially coupled data assimilation and prediction system, X. Li - NOAA
P22. Observation System Simulation Experiments at Environment Canada: emphasis on hyperspectral infrared radiances, S. Heilliette - EC
P23. Development of a common, consistent infrared and microwave emissivity database, for use as a priori information in the JCSDA, F. Aires - Estellus
Day Three - Friday, October 12, 2012
08:30 - 09:50 - Session 10 - Atmospheric Composition, Co-chairs: E.Hyer - NRL and S. Kondragunta - NESDIS
Implementation of GOES Total Column Ozone Assimilation within NAM-CMAQ to improve Operational Air Quality Forecasting capabilities - 16', B. Pierce - NOAA/STAR
Assimilation of aerosol products from VIIRS into numerical models - 16', E.Hyer - Navy/NRL
Assimilating Satellite Ocean, land and atmospheric products into emission forecasting to support regional and global air quality and climate modeling - 16', D.Tong - NOAA/OAR/ARL
Experiments with the assimilation of fine aerosols using an ensemble Kalman filter and GSI - 16', M. Pagowski - NOAA/OAR
Using Satellite Data to Improve Operational Atmospheric Constituents Forecasting Capabilities - 16', S. Kondragunta - NOAA/STAR
09:50 - 10:10 - Coffee Break
10:10 - 11:40 - Session 11 - Breakout Group Discussions
This session will contain break-out group discussions of plans and progress for the following areas (CRTM, Ocean, Land, Atmospheric Composition, Cloud & Precipitation and Advanced Sensors)
11:40 - 12:50 - Session 12 - Final Plenary
This is the final plenary session in which reports from the break-out groups will be provided and discussed (10' each). A final note-summary by the JCSDA director will also be provided (10')
12:50 - Meeting adjourns