Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI)
As Earth observing systems are constantly evolving and new systems launched, continuous scientific developments for exploiting the full potential of the data are necessary. Data volumes are also increasing with time, requiring more and more efficient data assimilation. Given the cost of new observing systems, it is important that this process happens quickly. The JEDI team aims to enable efficient research work and accelerated transition from research to operations.
As environmental forecasting systems progress, they are also evolving towards a more comprehensive representation of the Earth system. The JEDI framework takes into account all components of the Earth system in a consistent manner, enabling the evolution towards a fully-coupled Earth system.
The JEDI Near-Real Time Observation monitoring site is updated at 6hr intervals. All operational GSI instruments with functional Unified Forward Operator (UFO) implementations are run through the system, and animated plots of locations and observation quality metrics are available
Data assimilation (DA) algorithms themselves are also evolving and progressing to better exploit available data. The JEDI framework includes existing operational DA algorithms and facilitates exploration of new DA science across domains and applications. It is important to note that a unified system does not mean a single configuration to be imposed on all partners, as each agency can use or develop different applications within the framework.
The supercomputers on which data assimilation systems are run are becoming increasingly complex, incorporating always more and possibly heterogeneous processing elements. Using them efficiently is a growing concern in the community, with most centers exploring ways to improve scalability of their forecasting models and data assimilation systems. The framework works on the assumption of scalability to facilitate adaptation to new and varied architectures. Requirements for operational and research uses are different. Generally, the system is relatively flexible to allow for development and research, and easy for users to learn and test.
JCSDA partners and the wider community continuously work together with the JEDI through the collaborative tools and workshops, such as JEDI Academies, to provide feedback and guidance for ongoing developments.
4th JEDI Academy participants in Monterey, CA.