The JCSDA team came from across the country to meet in Boulder, Colorado, in the last week of October, renewing cross-team ties and planning for the JEDI-Skylab developments ahead.
JCSDA’s 2023 Q2 Review Focuses on Progress Towards Operations
On Thursday, October 26, the JCSDA core team and partners at NOAA, NASA, U.S. Navy and Air Force, and the UK Met Office met virtually and in-person to go over accomplishments from the last three months and discuss future goals. Exciting milestones include two partners passing thresholds for JEDI operations and spack-stack 1.5.0 being officially put into use by UFS!
JCSDA Co-Chairing the International Earth Surface Working Group
On the 26th to the 28th of September, 2023, the International Earth Surface Working Group (IESWG) convened a hybrid meeting with the in-person component at the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, Finland. JCSDA’s Dr. Benjamin Ruston co-chaired and facilitated the running of the meeting.