JCSDA Short-Term Visiting Science Program

Accelerating the transition to operations of new sensors and new science is one of the main objectives of the JCSDA, as well as improving the current assimilation of existing sensors. The visiting scientist program's purpose is to help the JCSDA reach its overarching goals and scientific objectives while at the same time to offer the visiting scientist an opportunity to enrich his/her experience and interact with JCSDA scientists.

Who may apply?

Scientists from all over the world are eligible to apply, excepting scientists already working on JCSDA-funded grants (those should use the existing grants to fund their short-term visits).

When will applicants be notified?

Applications will be accepted on a continuous basis, and it is estimated that the JCSDA will be able to review applications in about a month. When the funds run out, awards will end.

How to apply:

Interested scientists are encouraged to identify and coordinate with hosts working on JCSDA-related projects. This will help identify a commonly beneficial project to JCSDA and the visiting scientist. One of the main objectives of the JCSDA is the acceleration of the transition to operations of new sensors and new science as well as improving the current assimilation of existing sensors. 

Applications should contain the name and institution of the applicant along with their e-mail address, telephone number and other contact information.

The application should be composed of:

A copy of this completed application form (PDF, 41 KB, click to download)

◈ Applicant’s resumé