This text was adapted from an excerpt written by Dr. Hui Shao (JCSDA) for the winter edition of the JCSDA newsletter.
The JCSDA held its 7th Symposium at the 99th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ on January 8, 2019. The symposium spanned the whole day on Tuesday, consisting of six topical sessions and one poster session. Presentations and posters were offered by staff and contractors of the JCSDA partner agencies, the broader academic community, and international representatives such as ECMWF and the UK Met Office. The symposium proves time and again to be an important outreach event for JCSDA, as there was strong attendance from the data assimilation community (including JCSDA partners) and lots of opportunities for stimulating discussion. Though attendance was generally affected by the shutdown, the event was still a great success.
The oral sessions had a total of 18 presentations dedicated to various aspects of the data assimilation study. The first session was chaired by Benjamin Johnson (JCSDA), and was devoted to the New and Improved Data Assimilation Tools and Methods. This was followed by the session of Land, Ocean, Cryosphere, Air Quality, and Coupled Earth System Data Assimilation, chaired by Benjamin Ruston (NRL). The third and fourth sessions, chaired by François Vandenberghe (JCSDA) and Thomas Auligné (JCSDA), were dedicated to the Next-Generation Satellites and Sensors Data Assimilation. Two more oral sessions were held in the afternoon and featured talks on all-sky radiance assimilation, chaired by Hui Shao (JCSDA), and the Joint Efforts for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI), chaired by Guillaume Vernieres (JCSDA). The JCSDA Symposium also co-sponsored a joint session (invitation only), National and International Program Overviews for Environmental Satellites, on the morning of Tuesday, January 9.
Thank you to James Yoe (NWS) for organizing this JCSDA event and to all of our partners and dedicated team members who participated.
Dr. François Vandenberghe presenting his poster at AMS 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona. (Photo: D. Mullally)