JCSDA Announces JEDI-FV3 Release Version 1.1.0 With Major IODA Update

JCSDA is pleased to announce the release of version 1.1.0 of the JEDI-FV3 software package. 

JEDI-FV3 is a multi-component software package that provides everything that is needed to run data assimilation (DA) applications for models that use the FV3 dynamical core, including NOAA’s Global Forecast System (GFS) and NASA’s Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS). 

The first public release of JEDI-FV3 occurred in October 2020. The 1.1.0 release features a major update of the Interface for Observational Data Assimilation (IODA).


  • Major update of IODA (version 2.0.0)

    • New internal data organization leveraging HDF5 data model (ioda-engines).

    • New data layout in files for more efficient access to multidimensional data.

    • New interfaces to facilitate future integration of additional file formats.

    • New python/C++ interoperability.

  • A new online tutorial highlighting the IODA data model and how to work with IODA files in Python.

  • Substantial enhancement of UFO capabilities

    • New observation operators, quality control filters, and bias correction developed to replicate operational capabilities, representing the cumulative effect of 410 updates to the UFO code.

    • UFO has all necessary functionality to replicate the NOAA-operational GSI system's H(x), bias correction (BC), and quality control (QC) procedures for many radiance, ozone, GNSSRO, and conventional instruments. Examples are provided in the repository.

      • For radiance-based instruments, UFO can fully reproduce H(x), BC, and QC for AIRS, AMSU-A, ATMS, AVHRR-3, CrIS, IASI, SEVIRI, and SSMI/S. H(x) and BC are implemented for MHS.

      • For ozone instruments, we reproduce H(x) for OMI, OMPS-limb, and OMPS-nadir.

      • For GNSSRO, H(x) and QC are implemented for AOPOD, GRAS, IGOR, and TGRS.

      • For conventional instruments, we implement H(x) for Aircraft, RASS, Radar VAD wind, Satwind, Scatwind, surface land, and surface marine sensors.

The code, documentation, release notes, and tutorial can all be found on the JEDI-FV3 release page.