JCSDA Announces First CRTM Instrument Coefficient Generation Package

JCSDA is pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.0 of the CRTM instrument coefficient generation package CRTM_coef v1.0.0. 

CRTM_coef v1.0.0 is a multi-component software package that provides the core components that are needed to compute new instrument coefficients for the Community Radiative Transfer Model. 

The first expert-level release of CRTM_coef v1.0.0 occurred on July 1, 2021.


  • Transmittance coefficient generation code for broadband and high-resolution IR instruments.

  • Support for Microwave instruments using the [Rosenkranz, 2003] model.

  • I/O support for LBLRTM from AER.

  • Spectral coefficient generation.

  • User Guide. 

  • Example work directories for different instruments.

Access to the release is restricted to expert users among JCSDA partners, as the software is computationally very expensive and requires familiarity with the underlying algorithms. Those with the proper access can find the code, documentation, and case directories on the CRTM_coef Release Page. More information can be found on the JCSDA CRTM Releases page.