Progress Towards Improving Aerosol Simulation by the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM)

The Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM), developed at the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA), is operationally used for remote sensing aerosol data assimilation.

The estimated distribution of atmospheric aerosols is primarily improved by assimilating aerosol retrieval products, with CRTM as a bridge between observational and modeling data. To further facilitate and enhance aerosol modeling, the CRTM team released a new model interface and sets of recently implemented aerosol coefficients since 2020.

JCSDA Prepares Major Release of the Interface for Observation Data Access

A new major release of the Interface for Observation Data Access (IODA) will occur this month in concert with the next public Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI) update.

In alignment with the JCSDA goal of collaborative development, the new developments of IODA (both release and post-release) have demonstrated its facility at enabling partner contributions.

JCSDA Celebrates First Application of JEDI-based Ocean Sea Ice Reanalysis System for NOAA

On March 26, a dedicated internal release of the soca-science repository for the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) was created.

The effort is the first application of a realistic, end to end, JEDI-based data assimilation (DA) system for a JCSDA partner agency — and a demonstration of the flexibility of the JEDI.

Save the Date for the 2021 JCSDA Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop

Save the Date for the 2021 JCSDA Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop

We are pleased to announce the 18th JCSDA Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop will be held virtually during the week of June 7 - 11, 2021. The workshop was canceled last year due to COVID-19.

The annual JCSDA Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop enables scientists partnering with JCSDA and the external research community to share the latest developments in satellite data assimilation, particularly as they relate to the status of JCSDA priorities and projects.